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The largest EMS in
the Silicon Valley

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On Oct. 7, Sillicon Valley students toured Fremont-area facilities to learn about careers in manufacturing. Companies that held tours for high school and college students included ALOM, AlterG, AnaSpec, Asteelflash, Bay Area Circuits, Cal Weld, LAM Research, Nationwide Boiler, Sonic Manufacturing Technologies and South Bay Solutions, Inc. For a complete review of the article published in Silicon Valley Business Journal, please review here. Tags: manufacturing day
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Sonic Manufacturing Technologies announces the launch of a new project (Installation of Solar). This gives Sonic a unique differentiation of being a socially responsible company. PRWeb/h3> Sonic Manufacturing Technologies is proud to be an environmentally conscious EMS company. Sonic Manufacturing Technologies has installed a solar system on its roof top. “We will be independent of the grid and completely self-sufficient in a three-year period,” the President of Sonic, Kenneth Raab stated….
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“Sonic commits to continuous improvement and innovation”. Accompanying this commitment is the responsibility that we have to be at the cutting edge with processes for all new types of packages that are constantly coming out in the market place. View the letter from Linear Technology Corporation recommending Sonic as the preferred assembly supplier for their specific module products. This just fortifies Sonic’s commitments for Best in Class: Customer Service Quality Performance Productivity C…