Sonic Manufacturing Technologies an Environmentally Conscious EMS Company
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Sonic Manufacturing Technologies announces the launch of a new project (Installation of Solar). This gives Sonic a unique differentiation of being a socially responsible company. PRWeb/h3>
Sonic Manufacturing Technologies is proud to be an environmentally conscious EMS company. Sonic Manufacturing Technologies has installed a solar system on its roof top. “We will be independent of the grid and completely self-sufficient in a three-year period,” the President of Sonic, Kenneth Raab stated. The company’s proud history of social responsibility and participation in the preservation of Silicon Valley’s ecosystem shows in Sonic Manufacturing Technologies’ investments in the community and environment.
Sonic gives back to the community in various forms of donations and participating in programs initiated by the city or the state or even nationally.
Customers who have come to rely on Sonic Manufacturing Technologies as a partner of choice, will appreciate that, in light of the changing times as there have been a need for preservation Sonic has been in the forefront embracing the change with first installation of LED lighting throughout the facility, using techniques to recycle packaging and trying to create the least manufacturing waste as possible.
Sonic is a dependable partner. A regional EMS supplier servicing the local bay area region since its foundation in 1996. Sonic Manufacturing Technologies boasts admirable longevity in its career displays the company’s ability to adapt to changing environmental demands and adapt to new innovations.
Established in 1996, Sonic Manufacturing Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS). Headquartered in Fremont, California, Sonic provides new product introduction (NPI), prototyping, and in-house board layouts. Consistent manufacturing excellence, cutting-edge equipment, and industry expertise have given Sonic a reputation as a reliable source for volume production, retail fulfillment, and international logistics. Sonic is privately owned and operated by the same management team for 20 years. For more information, go to https://sonicmfg.com.
Tags: Environmentally Conscious EMS, Solar
(510) 580-8500